KOREA 'The national life to protect the 3 major projects'
뉴스 지혜 정보
2018. 1. 29. 16:44
Moon Jae-in, embarked 'The national life to protect the 3 major projects' of the Government.文在寅(ムン・ジェイン)政府、'国民の生命を守る3大プロジェクト'本格着手 - Target to reduce deaths by half in the next five years in three areas - suicides, traffic accidents and industrial accidents - -自殺、交通事故、労災事故3大分野で今後5年間の死亡者に半分に削減目標- □ The government met with Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon at a Cabinet meeting early today (1.23) to revie..