KOREA 'The national life to protect the 3 major projects'

뉴스 지혜 정보 2018. 1. 29. 16:44

Moon Jae-in, embarked 'The national life to protect the 3 major projects' of the Government.


- Target to reduce deaths by half in the next five years in three areas - suicides, traffic accidents and industrial accidents - 


□ The government met with Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon at a Cabinet meeting early today (1.23) to review the three major projects that protect the public from suicide (prevention, national action plans against suicide, and comprehensive measures against traffic accidents and deaths from industrial accidents).

 ㅇ Moon Jae-in and president has many instruments, including oecd with regard to national life, balance beam the cost of the most vulnerable three indicators * * * * * * * (suicide, industrial accidents and traffic accidents.As you know, to) government come up with countermeasures for the Improvement of the death rate **.

     * Number of deaths in 16 years : Gaepa suicide (13,092) △ traffic accident (4,292) → △ accidents (969) → Total 18,353 deaths in three areas, OECD member states

    **? Pan-Government comprehensive measures to realize a safe society from traffic accidents (Jul. 17.8)? Effective prevention measures against suicides (October 17.10)?

 As such, the government has been preparing pan-government measures to drastically reduce * the number of deaths in the three areas related to national life for the next five years.

     * (OBJECTIVE) 30 % reduction in number of suicides, 50 % in traffic accidents and 50 % in number of deaths from industrial accidents.

□ Key to the " Three Major Projects to Protect the National Life " is :

 1. National Action Plan Against Suicide

□ With this action plan, we will lower the suicide rate to 17.0 by 2022 and reduce the number of suicides * to less than 10,000 per year.

     * (11 years) 31.1 persons → 25.6 persons (16 years) → 17.0 persons (22 years) / Half compared to 11 years, 30 % less than 16 years

□ First, let's set up a scientific basis for a strategic approach against suicide.

 ⑨ Police investigation data will be used for five years (12-16 years) to investigate the causes of suicides and the local characteristics of the suicides *

     * Purpose of reinforcing a high-risk group extraction system using suicidal ideations, establishing a surveillance system in concentrated areas, identifying the suicide type and the path to suicide, and preparing measures to block it.

□ We will concentrate on the short term implementation and the results of the suicide to remove the stigma from the OECD's highest suicide rate (high risk group extraction → active involvement and management → post - suicide attempt management) as a proven priority.

 ● We will foster suicide prevention gate keeper based on grassroots organizations and local health examination by expanding depression check * in cooperation with religious and civic groups to actively identify suicidal risks.

     * If necessary, check the first question and answer concerning the age of 40 (present) or 66 (improvement) → All 40, 50, 60 or 70 years old

 ● We will actively intervene and remove the risk of suicide by establishing MHIS (mental health case management system) and strengthening accessibility to local mental health services such as operating a ' mind health bus ' to consult consumers.

 ● In case of an emergency room based suicide, we will strengthen post-communication control by expanding the post-terrestrial management service (from ‘ 17 locations to 52 locations) and emotional support from the suicide family members.

□ We will also push for prevention policies against suicides by target groups, ranging from elementary and secondary school students to senior citizens, including the workers, the unemployed, police officers, firefighters, and the mailman, who are at risk of suicide.

□ Lastly, we will organize a joint committee on life respect and suicide prevention policies * to build a culture of life respect and strong social support system.

     * The Ministry of Health and Welfare's suicide prevention policy (planned to be established in 18 years) is in charge of its office.

 2. Comprehensive traffic safety measures

□ We will reduce the number of road traffic deaths by less than half by 2022 by converting the road system to people-centric and people-based. *

     * 4,292 (Year 16) → 4,191 (Year 17) (Temporary) → 2,000 (Year 22)

□ First of all, we will restructure the transportation system to focus on pedestrians in order to prevent the ' death while walking ' (40 %, 1,714) from taking the highest proportion.

 ● The speed limit on urban roads will be reduced to 50km (current : 60km), and high-capacity reporting and non-dividend roads will be designated as pedestrian priority roads.

 ● The road design standards, such as setting up a bend road, will be established to enable vehicles to operate at a lower speed naturally and it will be applied entirely to the new and existing road projects.

□ We will continue to designate areas for protecting the children and the elderly and reinforce safety facilities and crack down on speeding in the areas and stopping.

 ● Non-excited accidents in the senior citizens ' protection zone, we will shorten the license renewal cycle (5 years → 3 years) and provide traffic safety education (2 hours) to support safe driving for seniors over the age of 75.

□ We will seek to establish safe driving practices and culture for normal drivers, trucking and other business vehicle drivers.

 ● In order to give drivers sufficient knowledge on traffic safety and drive, we will raise the criteria for passing the first and second class license examination to 80. (Current : Class 1 70, class 2, class 60)

 ● We will introduce a truck command system and a joint inspection system for the driver's license and activate cooperation among related agencies, such as a joint crackdown on overloaded vehicles.

□ Lastly, we will strengthen the assessment and incentive for securing active cooperation between local governments and increase the priority traffic culture to attract active participation and support from the public. *

     * Campaign by media, such as social networking sites and broadcasting, and by organizing and operating a civic evaluation team that continuously reflects the public's ideas on improving the traffic safety system.

 3. Measures to reduce deaths from industrial accidents

□ We will reduce the number of deaths from accidental industrial accidents * by 2022 by creating a workplace with priority for life and safety in order to fundamentally reduce the number of industrial accidents.

     * 969 persons (16 years) → 500 (22 years) / Total accident death rate 0.27?

□ First of all parties who are at risk, we will redefine the role of each person (client, original office, employer, and employee) and fulfill their responsibilities.

 ⑨ The duty of client for each stage of construction is made to enact * and expand the place to assign safety management responsibilities of sub-contractors to the original office (22 danger zones → all place of original government administration).

     - Prior to the revision of the Act, the government should establish a model for leading public ordering institutions, including reflected in prevention efforts for industrial accidents in public sector evaluations.

 ● Supplement the effectiveness of the worker's request for the halt to work (state of work suspension) and activate the report of a dangerous situation * will be promoted.

     * Activating safety call system where sub-contractor directly reports dangerous situations to the issuing office, etc.

□ We will carry out intensive management considering the characteristics of construction, shipbuilding, chemistry and metal and machinery manufacturing sectors, which account for the majority of industrial accidents (65 %, 631).

 ● High-risk accidents, accidents, vulnerable workers ' supervision and technical guidance are carried out, and the construction service area controls the risks from the pre-building to construction stage.

 ⑨ For construction machinery and equipment such as portable cranes, it is mandatory to install safety devices such as rear view devices and to strengthen safety inspection (an attempted autopsy penalty of 50~5 million won).

 ⑨ shipbuilding industry will improve the system fundamentally based on the survey results of the People`s Accident Investigation Committee * and closely manage the chemical plant of high-risk counties.

     * Announcement of the accident structural and technical factors investigation results (' 18.3) → Improvement of the system (' 18.)

□ We will increase the effectiveness of industrial safety management and supervision by conducting target supervision of risks and causes to ensure effective action measures are taken and spread the culture of safety first in society.

□ In addition, we will increase the incentive * for the institution of excellent safety to strengthen the company's safety management, and strengthen the sanctions ** for the companies with poor safety management.

     * Extended rate reduction scheme for the insurance premium at Gaerage Industrial Complex, favorable treatment for small businesses such as R&D, etc.

    ** In the event of a Gaere death accident, lower limit sentence is introduced for jail term and corporate fine is strengthened, etc.,

 ● The government can prevent accidents by expanding investment in safety areas such as supporting development of safety technologies and increasing the number of industrial safety inspectors (' 17 years 448 ' → ' 18 years 561).

□ Moon Jae-in president was 1.10 In his New Year`s message, " by 2022, suicide prevention, traffic safety, occupational safety and ‘ with an aim to ‘To reduce half in three main areas of death’ national life.Project three to keep ’ the propulsion, ’’ said.

 W ; The government has designated this year as the first year of its ' National Life Protection Third Project ' and has consulted on the ' National Life Security Council ' (Director for National Life Inspection) with the Vice Minister participating as the head of the Cabinet Office.

 In the future, the Office for Government Policy Coordination will constantly check and manage the implementation of each measure so that the people can experience substantial changes in the three areas.

 ● We plan to carry out the project in a thorough manner by continually making up for the problems and improvements that are needed at the inspection results and at the inspection coordination meeting on national issues under the Prime Minister.